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“Not only past victims, but it may prevent future victims from coming forward,” said Victoria Pickering, education and outreach coordinator for the advocacy group Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault.

Actually, it’s the registry itself that’s preventing many victims from coming forward as the majority of victims are abused by their family members. And knowing how the registry and people treat those with the label, they keep it hidden in order to “protect” the abuser.

I wonder if those 450 people know that they’re missing.

All the statements made in that “news story” are fraudulent, erroneous and misguided.

Clearly, sheriffs’ nationwide are in it for the profit generation component of Megan’s Law. They just use the “public safety” aspect of it as a facade. They want to appear relevant and to send the message: “You, see.. we’re out keeping tabs on all the bad guys” all while posturing for Federal grants and more funding.

Virtue signaling elevated to highest levels of cringe.

“Jackson County has more convicted sex offenders than any county in Missouri. And hundreds of them are unaccounted for….” Well, if they are unaccounted for, how does anyone know they are, in fact, in Jackson County?? They could be anywhere.

Robert Curtis
In the deep south there use to be a way to help people get elected…there would hange a young male slave on a barn door and have him whipped showing the respectable people how they keep their slaves in line….We today have a different kind of whipping-boy for votes, those on the sex offender registry. The sex offender registry is evil and it is wrong! TRUTH

Have to wonder how many are already in their system (confined behind bars in other words) and if they have not checked there. I know this insults the interim sheriff, but have they looked inside before looking outside?

“They could be your next-door neighbor,” interim Jackson County Sheriff Darryl Forte said. “They could be at the playground where your grandkids and kids play on a regular basis. We don’t know where they are.” Hysteria creation is not needed their dear sheriff. It is not like there are sharks off the beach waiting to eating people (shark week reference).

I do understand that victims of sexual abuse and CP suffer emensely. I have been robbed and even that lowly crime was extremely, extremely damaging, painful, frieghtening and extremely humiliating & I will never be the same, but we ALL need to move on here. I later found out that my assailant had been convicted and sentenced and has been to jail numerous times. He destroyed many, many lives and families.- no registration

What they are saying is nothing but a joke and they’re doing this deliberately to trip everyone off, like the boy crying out wolf. Just because registrants weren’t accounted for by law enforcement, doesn’t mean they’re not in compliance when registrants that are no longer required to “register” and off the registry has gotten his/her cover blown by some vigilante.

A “serious threat to public safety”? Really? Has there been a surge in sex crimes with these “missing” people? I can absolutely say no, because if any of them did re-offend, they would be found! The “missing” prove the futility of the registry by remaining missing.

So obviously the incidence of sexual offenses is soaring dramatically in that town since the SO’s are unaccounted for…oh, it isn’t???